- News of the day
Townsville Daily Bulletin, Saturday 3 June 1933, page 12
Yesterday and last night the sky was again overcast and cold. In keeping with the usual manner of celebrating the visits of prominent men, the Governor, Sir Leslie Wilson and Lady Wilson, were feted in grand style on their arrival last Wednesday, councillors, returned soldiers, girl guides and boy scouts, school children, and the public generally, all turning out to the welcome at the rail way station, civic welcome at the Shire Hall and ball at night. The local branch of the C.W.A. entertained Lady Wilson and at 8 p.m., the Masonic Fraternity gave the two distinguished visitors a reception in the Oddfellows Hall at dinner. His Excellency, also his consort endeared themselves to the people by their cheery and sociable manner, and departed for Longreach next morning, leaving behind them a very excellent impression.